From Awareness to Enlightenment

Zekria Shams
2 min readMar 1, 2024


The word awareness might seem quite simple, but in fact, it is the means to enlightenment that most of us, especially the educated ones chase to get. So what does it take to become enlightened and wise like the Buddha and other such enlightened personalities?

Photo by Espen Bierud on Unsplash

Awareness means being mindful, which means being aware of your emotions, feelings, and thoughts. So practically speaking what does it mean to be mindful? To be mindful is a state in which you can spot your thoughts and feelings as they arise and vanish without getting attached to them. It is a state when you observe your emotions, thoughts, and feelings irrespective of their nature, for instance, positive or negative. Therefore, when I say irrespective of their nature, it means you do not have to discriminate between negative and positive emotions and thoughts. Instead, you should pay attention to both and observe them as they arise and disappear.

So how to become mindful, in other words, what is the path of enlightenment?

To become mindful in your day-to-day life which is quite essential to become more productive, a good decision maker and an effective leader develop the habit of meditating daily. The word meditation itself means being mindful which is a kind of mental exercise. While meditating you are paying attention to your breaths as you inhale and exhale.

There are various types of meditations, but the most effective one which was practiced by Siddhartha Gautama also known as the Buddha is called Vipassana Meditation. In Vipassana meditation, the meditator is simply sitting on a chair or the floor on a cushion with crossed legs with their back straight and erect. While sitting you need to be relaxed and your muscles should be at ease. Thereafter, focus on the rhythm of your breathing as you breathe naturally. During this time various thoughts and feelings will arise, as a result, you must observe them without getting attached to them. In this state, you are not your thoughts and your emotions, but a mere observer.

To conclude, the objective of meditation and being mindful is to control your emotions and feelings rather than being controlled by them. Hence, to get to this position when you can easily observe your emotions and thoughts without getting provoked by them, you have become enlightened. It is worth remembering that meditation is not easy. It takes practice and energy. Most importantly it takes dedication, discipline, and grit.



Zekria Shams

Writing about personality development, project management and leadership